Biagina Chiofalo
The University of Messina
From 2018, Biagina Chiofalo is a full professor on Animal Nutrition and Feeding at the Department
of Veterinary Science of the University of Messina, Italy. She received her PhD in �Science and
Technology of the Animal Production in the rural areas� at the University of Catania (Italy) in 1994.
She has educational experience for over 20 years in teaching of undergraduate courses in Animal
Nutrition, as well as in the teaching of postgraduate courses at University of Messina. From 2000,
she is Responsible of the research laboratory �Chemical, nutritional and spectroscopic analyses of
feed�, at the Department of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Messina, Italy.
She has coordinated competing research and Italian and European projects. She was nominated as an
evaluator of research proposals by the Italian Ministry of Research. Chiofalo�s research interests
concern the area of alternative plant protein sources for sustainable livestock farming, Innovative
analytical methodologies to characterize seed quality, digestive utilization of unconventional plant
for animal nutrition in the Mediterranean area, industrial research and technological innovation of the
agri-food supply chain. She has published 69 Scientific Papers in International Journals. Her research
work has more than 1300 citations. She is the lead author in three book chapters, one books, and
author and co-author of more than 100 conference papers. She is a member of the editorial board of
the �Journal of Nutritional Ecology and Food Research� American Scientific Publishers, and
Agriculture, MDPI. She is Guest Editor of the Topical Collection �A sustainable approach to nonconventional feeding resources and rearing strategies� Animals-MDPI, and Guest Editor of the
Special Issue �Environmental Impact of Feed Technologies in Animal Production� Animals-MDPI.
Email:, ORCID 0000-0002-3642-5460 Metrics overview by Scopus
Documents by author 69; Citations 1,366 by 1,169 documents; h-index 20.