Fuji Jian

University of Manitoba

Dr. Fuji Jian is a professional engineer and a professor in the Department of Biosystems Engineering at the University of Manitoba. Dr. Jian received his MSc at Henan University of Technology(ZhengZhou Grain College), China in 1992; Master of Engineer at University of Greenwich, UK in 1996; and PhD at the University of Manitoba, Canada in 2003. Excellence of his Ph.D. studies was awarded as �Governor General�s Gold Medal for outstanding graduate studies academic achievement in Canada� and the �CSAE/SCGR 2004 Ph.D. Thesis Award�. After working for a grain management company (OPI System, Calgary, Canada) for 5 years, he returned to academia in 2010. He is the recipient of the prestigious 2019 John Clark Award of CSBE/SCGAB, and the Merit awards in the category of research, scholarly work and creative activities, University of Manitoba, 2020. He is the two-time winner of John Ogilvie Research Innervation Award, CSBE/SCGAB and other awards. Fuji�s research interests are in the area of post-harvest grain quality, stored-product protection, sensor development, and stored product insect control with the sole purpose to enhance food safety and security. He is the leading authors in 76 of 123 referred journal papers, two book chapters, two books, and authorized and co-authorized more than 50 conference papers. He is the associate editor of the Biosystems Engineering, and editor board member of the Journal of Stored Products Research and Biosystems Engineering.