Peng Han

Yunnan University

Dr. Peng Han (ORCID: 0000-0002-5941-9362) is currently a professor at Yunnan University, the head of the team �Ecological Entomology and Biological Invasion Management - EEBIM�. His current research is to understand how climate-mitigating and adaptation agricultural practices (e.g. reduced nitrogen fertilization and organic matters addition, field margin management practices) could surprisingly favor IPM from the "soil-crop-pest-natural enemies" multitrophic interactions perspective under semi-field conditions, so that a �win-win� ("green" crop protection and climate mitigation & adaptation) might be achieved at one shot. More broadly, he has proposed a new theoretical framework called �Multidimensional Management of Multiple Pests (3MP)� together with his key collaborators from France, the United States and Australia, aiming to increase the adoption of �green� IPM tools and enhance environment and climate benefits. He obtained his PhD degree in insect ecology from University of Nice (France) (2011-2014), and used to work in INRAe (2014-2017) and Chinese Academy of Sciences (2017-2021). He has yielded over 50 publications (h-index as 31; over 2400 citations) with some key ones being published in Journal of Ecology, Journal of Chemical Ecology, Entomologia Generalis and Annual Review of Entomology. He is active in international collaborations, acting as the leading scientist for an international joint lab �Yunnan Fruit-Vegetable-Flower IPM Joint Lab� (starting in 2023) in which 20 active participants from Asia, Europe, and the United States are involved. He also serves as the associate editors for Journal of Pest Science and Entomologia Generalis since 2018.