Panagiotis Madesis

University of Thessaly

Dr. Panagiotis Madesis was born in Thessaloniki on 1971. He studied at the Faculty of Agriculture at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). He pursued graduate studies in the laboratory of Genetics and Plant Breeding of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, AUTH where he did his doctoral dissertation. The last year of his doctoral thesis, he moved to the University of Manchester, Laboratory of Plant Science with emphasis on the genetic manipulation of the chloroplast genome. Dr. Madesis has carried out his studies with the following scholarships a) Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Manchester, b) Greek State Institute Scholarship. At the same lab in Manchester he was given a postdoctoral position in 2004. Since October 2008 he has been Researcher in the Institute of Applied Biosciences (INAB/CERTH � Greece). He moved to the University of Thessaly as a Prof of Molecular Biology in 2020. He teaches Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology- Biotechnology and Molecular genetics in the master in School of Agricultural sciences, in as well as protein expression systems in the Master course in the Agricultural University of Athens and food biotechnology in the Food science department of the Agricultural school in AUTH. He is adjunct professor since 2015 at the Chiang Mai University Thailand. His scientific interests focus on the exploration and exploitation of novel plant species and varieties as new cultivation crops and novel product development, the biotechnology means for the development of novel plant products and varieties. He is expert in Plant Breeding. He is working on the development of higher yielding plants with increased tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. He is very interested in developing plant systems for the production of high added value products in plants for the benefit of human health. He is also very interested in Agricultural entrepreneurship and has cofounded AgriEnt a non-profit civil partnership which acts as an agriculture business accelerator for start ups. Dr. Madesis is working on plant genotyping and biodiversity assessment, these studies have allowed him to develop a novel methodology for plant species identification and also the traceability and detection of possible fraud in commercial products. For this activity, in 2013 was bestowed a distinction by the Ministry of Rural Development and the President of the Hellenic Republic.