Miroslava Markovic
Institute of Forestry
Miroslava Markovic was born in Belgrade, Serbia on February13, 1962. Since 1987, she was employed at the Institute of Forestry, Forest Protection Department. On December 09nd, she defended her doctoral dissertation entitled Monitoring of Powdery MildewMicrosphaera alphitoides Griff. et Maubl. (1910) in Serbia and its Suppression by means of Alternative Protection Measures in the field of Biotechnical Sciences. On May 25th,2011 she selected as Research Associate for Ministry of Education and Science and On April 24rd2023 she has been promoted to Senior Research Associate for Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation.
Miroslava's key areas of work are Phytopathology, Ecology, Integral Forest Protection, the influence of cross-border air pollution on the drying of forests in Serbia - ICP Forests, Report-diagnostic work in the field of plant protection - forest protection in the area of the headquarters of Serbia. She has more than 200 published papers (all categories and ratings).