Zhongsheng Guo

Northwestern A & F University

Dr. Zhongsheng Guo is a professor. His interesting in studied plant ecology, soil and water conservation and the sustainable use of soil resources and Agriculture high quality development at the Northwestern A & F University, China. He graduated in soil scicens as MS in 2000 and Dr.. He then researches the high-quality and sustainable method of forest, grass, crop and soil and water conservation in Northwestern A & F University, CAS & MWR. He received him PhD degree in 2004 at the Northwestern A & F University. He has published a couple of research articles in SCI(E) journals. He put forward the resources use limit by plants (RULP) , vegetation carrying capacity (VCC) , the critical period of plant resource relationship regulation and the new theory of soil and water conservation. He is the director of Innovation China, Agriculture high quality production service group.