Bishwa Acharya
Earth Mapping International
United States of America
Dr. Bishwa Acharya is the founding president of Earth Mapping International (EMI); he serves as Principal Investigator for the U.S. National Science Foundation-funded research in the field of soil moisture and productivity modeling by integrating satellite-airborne-terrestrial new and existing geodatabases. During the last 30 years he supervised geospatial research and engineering projects in California, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, South Carolina, and Wisconsin; his expertise includes geodatabase development and management for infrastructure development mitigating climate variation impacts on natural resources. He performed experiments on establishing GPS geodetic networks for hydrologic modeling and a GIS center for sugarcane farms via UGA/ CIAT in Colombia, South America. Before establishing EMI, Dr. Acharya worked as an Adjunct Professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology, a Technical Program Coordinator at the University of Georgia, an Assistant Professor at Southern Polytechnic State University, a graduate instructor at Purdue University, a Volunteer/Expert on GIS for UNDP/UN, and survey engineer to the Government of Nepal. He leads the overall coordination of international projects of the EMI-Consortium for research and international projects. He earned a Ph.D. in geodesy and an M.S. in Remote Sensing/GIS from Purdue University, an M.S. in Photogrammetry/Civil Engineering from IIT Roorkee India, B.S./B.L. degrees from Tribhuvan University Nepal, and a training in Remote Sensing and Natural Resources Management at AIT in Bangkok, Thailand. He has widely published papers in Journals and International conferences. Dr. Acharya is a licensed: Professional Geodetic Surveying (PGS), Professional GIS Surveying (PGISS), and Professional Photogrammetric Surveying (PPS). Since 1993, Dr. Acharya has been on the Board of Reviewers for the Journal of Surveying Engineering/American Society of Civil Engineers.